Before, Laura didn't care about her reputation...

Novel from age 12 - Actes Sud Jeunesse - Collection Romans Ado - 2013
Paperback 128 pages, and in digital format (Epub, Kindle...)
POCKET EDITION reviewed by the author - Gallimard Jeunesse (Pôle Fiction) - 2022
Paperback 144 pages. Story: "So it's possible. To lose your friends in a second and a half and find yourself the odd one out in class! All day, it was the same scenario: I went and sat in the front row without looking at the boys. From one lesson to the next, the murmurs died down. The class got used to the new situation quicker than I did. Maybe it was just because Sofiane wanted to go out with me that the other two accepted me for so long. What if I'd let him? What would have happened?
Laura 16, or the journey of a young girl determined not to let herself be broken and to find her own truth.
The characters from OUBLIER CAMILLE and MON ÂME FRÈRE return in this novel, whose heroine, Laura, weaves the link between the stories.
PRIX LITTÉRAIRE MARGUERITE-BAHUET de la Foire du livre de Brive 2017
2nd prix du PRIX JACARANDA (Maroc) 2016
CHOIX DU PUBLIC Prix Adolises de Montélimar 2015
Sélection Grand prix La Nouvelle féminité & Cultura 2025
Sélection Prix des Collégiens Gallimard Jeunesse 2023-2024
Sélection Prix littéraire des lycéens de Goussainville 2017
Sélection Prix Lire en Chœur de Nogent le Rotrou 2017
Sélection DéfiBabelio 2014-2015 et 2015-2016
Sélection Prix Littérature Jeunesse de Cholet 2016
Sélection Prix littérature ADO de la Télévision Suisse Romande 2015
Sélection Prix Atout Lire 2015 niveau 3e
Sélection Prix Passerelle(s) 2015 3e/2nde
Sélection Libre2Lire, les ados bousculent la lecture! 2015 à Angers (49)
Sélection Prix des collégiens du Touquet Paris-Plage 2014 (65)
Sélection du BiblioDéfi 2014 à Herblay (94)
Sélection Les goûts et couleurs 2014-2015 (Canopé Académie de Rennes)

PRESS REVIEWS (extracts)
Just one book to recommend on bullying? "My reputation", by Gaël Aymon! FRANCE INTER
Few authors manage to penetrate the world of adolescence without breaking their teeth. Gaël Aymon does it brilliantly. It's a heartfelt tale that reads in one sitting and asks the right questions. ELLE
A powerful, intense book that describes an unbearable situation with astonishing realism in 90 pages. LES CAHIERS PÉDAGOGIQUES
A magnificent novel that brought tears to my eyes on the RER! A must for all secondary school libraries! BLOG-O-NOISETTES
A real favourite! The fears and feelings described to perfection! FNAC Colmar
The teenagers in this story are so true, and so are the adults. There's no Manicheanism or two-bit morality. Everything is intertwined and interwoven right up to the end, which is lovely and full of hope in spite of everything. LA FÉE LIT
A real favourite! A short novel that deals very accurately with bullying, feelings and social networks FNAC Metz
A book that moved me and made me think! FURET DU NORD Villeneuve d'Ascq
A very good, sensitive novel about bullying. Emotional without pathos. FURET DU NORD Coquelles
Recommended by LES
See the full press review (in French) :
