Princess Rose-Praline turns fairy tales on their head!
Illustrated by Julien Castanié
24-page album, from age 3 - Éditions Talents Hauts 2010 The story: Held prisoner by her mother, Rose-Praline escapes from her tower by sliding down her braid. She meets 7 dwarfs who want her to do the housework, a lady squire who slips a pea under her mattress, a fairy who wants her to marry Prince Beta... But Rose-Praline doesn't give in! A humorous tale where the princess is no pushover.
Sélection du Prix Rêves en Livres - École du Parc des Princes (Paris 16e)
PRESS REVIEWS (extracts)
This album is simply brilliant! FNAC
A very successful ode to individuality! + long interview CÔTÉ MÔMES MAGAZINE
The author mixes up the princesses and rethinks their choices, to give them more personality, more courage and more autonomy. FRANCE INTER - L'HUMEUR VAGABONDE
In a lively and humorous style, with lots of implicit meaning, the author joyfully leads us right to the end of the well-prepared adventure. CHOOSE A BOOK
Original and feel-good, original and intelligent. Gaël Aymon's books should be declared to be of public interest, to be found in schools and libraries! LA MARE AUX MOTS
A merry compendium of the most famous tales!
A lovely surprise, the pretty princess who, thanks to her steely determination, overcomes a number of situations from well-known fairy tales. LE TÉLÉGRAMME
Change your mind about princesses. A very free variation on traditional themes. TÉLÉRAMA
What a lovely book! FRANCE BLEU
A very convincing first children's book! To be devoured. ENFANTIPAGES